Our origins, Osborne Heritage

Bodegas Osborne has accumulated more than two centuries of winemaking experience, building up expertise and passion for a land that has given us everything.

Our misión is clear: to use our winemaking experience to create quality wines at affordable prices.  

Vineyards & Winery

The vineyards are a gift from nature.

They are located outside the town of Malpica del Tajo (Toledo, Central Spain), within the boundaries of the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) of Vinos de la Tierra de Castilla.

Fortune has favoured the area with everything it needs to grow vines with great success.

Two mountain ranges, the Montes de Toledo and the Sierra de Gredos, and the Tajo River determine the landscape of the estate, which is located 500 metres above sea level. The river provides pure melt-water and mineral-rich chalk and clay soils, on former river terraces. The sun shines throughout most of the year and characteristically low temperatures at night create the ideal microclimate for vines.

Quality winemaking

Nothing is left to chance in the winemaking process. Through this idea, the wines have been enhanced to such a point that it is now a reference in the sector.

Each and every step of the process in our high-capacity facilities is exhaustively controlled by computer.

Our quality control checks are managed using detailed traceability maps.

Our certifications include ISO 9001, IFS (International Food Standard) and BRC (British Retail Consortium).

We minimize our environmental impact through the sustainable management of our vines, certified under the ISO 1400 guarantee.

Solaz, a range of easy drinking wines for everyday enjoyment offering excellent value-for-money

Solaz means pleasure, leisure, relaxation… the perfect name for our wines, designed for everyday enjoyment, for making the ordinary extraordinary. Solaz, a declaration of principles based on experience and a passion for doing things well.